Ive got something to share.
One of the comments that ive received is that the main issue is not about life getting more n more complex but about
1) setting ones priorities right in life, and that
2) people find fault with the current system of expectations when they r unable to perform, therefore take recourse to faultfinding with the current system.
I see an inherent paradox here!!
U set ur priorities right in life but becoz ur priorites in life may diffr from those of ur parents, family, friends, spouse, peers etc.., u may end up feeling the so called social pressure. now this pressure may or may not lead to dissatisfaction and frustration depending upon how strong the person is internally n emotionally.
Not all people are equally strong emotionally or internally coz all r not genetically the same. Some may successfully dismiss the social expectation as needless n irrelevant while others may succumb to it.When we talk of society, we never talk of those only that have actually been able to make it big in life or r emotionally very strong to fight all odds.
I feel setting ones priorities make sense wen one is able to lead a life that he/she intends to, wihtout getting subjected to the pressures of the surroundings. Now the validity of this very hypothesis that people can make an unbiased and un-influenced choice is itself under doubt bcoz man is bilogically a social being n he cannot alienate himself completely.He will live with people around n so the direct or indirect pressures will hv their own good or bad impacts.
And since one may not b able to make an independent choice, so one may eventually endup blaming the system for his failures too. Thats my opinion.
The answer perhaps lies in rising above these material levels and b able to see the greater picture or sense the greater design that governs life, to be able to disassociate oneself from this material chase, and thats nothing but self actualization.
Easily said than done.!!??!! :)
Its true that these things may hv always existed but is there anything that we can do to make life bettr fr the generations to come??
Just see the little kids around- at the age of 3, they rush to schools with loads on their shoulders. Is that a choice that thye hav made? Even before they grow big enuf to decide for themselves, society has done its part of initial damage to a sapling which would otherwise chart a creative growth perhaps. Schooltime is no different with parents trying to presur their kids into performance. and this series of pressures n influences continues well into ones life as if its an accepted necessary evil.
If u drill the issue deeper, ull find that technology is only one of the outcomes of somethin mankind has always strived for n thats progress. but the real choice that we need to make is what kind of progress we want? do we want progress that makes us more n more machine like or do we want the kind of progress our ancestors made but in a different way. they could master the body's inner strenghts- they could communcate across distances (telepathy), they had the best of medications which we still do nt hav or r still trying to decipher, their immune systems wer far stronger, they cud do astronomy n all without the complex gadgets we possess.. The still existing remnants of Adam's Bridge is proof of the high levels of technology they had achieved.
Science is important but the direction is equllly important. Shud science help us in becoming stronger by making us self -reliant and self-dependent or shud science help us in becoming more and more dependent on this material world. Well our present day science has also done wonders and the intent is nt to disregard those contributions.. but just wanted to induce this thought.. its afterall a choice tht we as a society have collectively made.
Wen i talk of complexities, i never actually mean to dismiss the positive side of technology, but what irks me is the vicious loop that society is unknowingly or knowingly but helplessly getting into. Our parents had a merrier childhood than what we had and We had a merrier one than our children will have...We cannot give our children the carefree existence that we or our parents had. Sadly we have no choice but to let our children face this harsh reality. ...
After all we as a society have decided to tread this path.
Simple, yet so complex!!!